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bAbB bCbD bEbF bGbH bIbJ bKbL bMbN bObP bQbR bSbT bUbV bWbX bYbZ

Trademark / Brand Name Class(es)
ASTRO builders & developers 37
B BHANDE builders +building 37
B BLUE LEAF builders +tower 37
BABU builders 37
BHEEMA builders +building 37
BJ B.J. builders 37
BLD builders & developers 36
BUILTECH builders & designe 37
CALIBER builders & develope 37
CB city builders engineers 37
CHARISMA builders 3, 5, 13, 25, 32, 33
CON MATE builders +circles 37
DC friends builders (LABEL) 16, 19
FRIENDS builders 16
GANGA builders 37
GBA GADKARI builders 37
GEMZ builders 37
GHAZAL builders & developer 37
GOLDIEE builders believe 11
GURU RAM DASS body builders 37
HETAL builders 16, 35, 36, 37
HF HOLY FAITH builders 37
HOMTOK builders +oval 16
I HONEY builders +sun 36
IL IN-LAND builders 37
builders 36
ITNOA builders & developers 37
JEET brass builders hardwar 6
JYOTI builders & developers 37
K KAPIL builders +arrow 37
KATARIA builders & promoter 37
KBF kerala builders forum 37
KSHITIJA builders developer 37
LB LOKHANDWALA builders 19, 36
MAHIMA builders & developer 37
MOHOD builders & developers 36
NEELYOG builders & develope 37
NILKANTH builders 36, 37
NIRVAN builders & property 16
PALACE builders 37
PAPRIWAL builders +triangle 37
PARAGON builders hardware 6
PARKLANDS builders develope 37
PIO builders & developers 37
PURANIK builders 37
RAM builders 37, 38
RAVI MAHAJAN builders 37
ROCK 1 builders & developer 37
RUBY coach builders 12
S.B. builders & developers 19
S.G. builders 16
SAINATH builders +buildings 37
builders 36
SARTHAK builders & develope 37
SATHI builders +buildings 19
SB SATYAM builders +hut 37
SBD swastik builders 36
SHIVANI realtors & builders 37
SHYAMA builders +building 37
SKYLIFE builders contractor 37
SKYWARDS builders developer 37
builders 9
SR HUT builders +hut 37
SRUSHTI builders +hut 37
SVR GROUP builders develope 36, 37
TANZEEL builders +arrows 37
TECHNOCON builders +buildin 37
TNC constructor & builders 37
UNNATI builders & developer 37
VATSALYA V builders 36
VGK builders +sun triangles 36
VM MVM builders & promoters 37
VR builders & developers 37
arjun vaastu builders +hut 37
arvind builders +triangle 37
fbd FERNS builders develope 19
om builders & superstructur 37
premier builders +squares 16, 37
v VARSHA builders developer 37
buildig 32
building 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44
building & arcs 33
building & candy 30
building & circle 1, 25, 30, 31, 36
building & flags 24
building & flask 33
building & oval 3, 33, 34, 37
building & shield 14, 42
building & square 25, 34
building & trees 33
building HEAVEN ON EARTH 37
building arcs & circle 32, 33
building circle & face 36
building circle & stripes 1
building coin & hands 16
building dragons & shield 16
building future 41
building plants & circles 32
building trust +triangles 36
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